Natural Law Ethics: The Three Determinants of Moral Action

    1. Object
    The object is which the will intends directly and primarily. It could be a thing or an action.

    2. Circumstances
    Circumstances may mitigate of aggravate. There are seven circumstances mentioned by St. Thomas Aquinas:

    a. who
    - special quality, prestige, rank or excellence of the person
    - It is bad to kill a man. It is worse to kill the president of the United States.

    b. what
    - quantity or quality of a moral object
    - It is good to send money to the orphanage. It is better to send money to the orphanage and also take time to visit the children there.

    c. where
    - the place
    - It is good to have a dental mission in a public school in the city. It is better to have a dental mission in a public school in the provinces.

    d. by what means
    - means in carrying out the act
    - It is bad to shoot your enemy. It is worse to torture your enemy before shooting him.

    e. why
    - The end or purpose affects the goodness of badness of the action.
    - It is bad to steal money. It is worse to steal money and use it to buy illegal drugs.

    f. how
    - manner in which the action is done
    - It is good to send volunteers to help the typhoon victims. It is better to go to help the victims yourself.

    g. when
    - time element
    - It is good to be with your friend in her graduation. It is better to be with your friend in her frustrations.

    3. The End or Purpose
    It is the integral part of moral acts. We should not employ evil means to attain a good end.

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Natural Law Ethics: The Three Determinants of Moral Action

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The Seven Prima Facie Duties

    1. duty of fidelity
    - be faithful to our duties
    - tell the truth and keep promises
    - dont represent fiction as truth
    - infarctions:
    > treachery
    > deception
    > hypocrisy
    > betrayal
    > lying
    > trickery
    > double dealing
    > insincerity
    > duplicity
    > cunning/craftiness

    Bella is a nurse in a government hospital. A patient is going to undergo bone marrow aspiration, which is a very painful procedure. Bella who does not observe her duty of fidelity, tells her patient, "It's going to be alright. It is not painful. It's just like an ant's bite."

    2. duty of reparation
    - make amends of injury, righting the wrongs.

    Ashton accidentally pushes his classmate Jenna. Jenna falls and breaks a leg. She gets confined to the hospital. The next day, Ashton sends her flowers and fruits.

    Lilia aborted her baby three years ago. After graduating in college, she puts up an orphanage who fosters abandoned children and young mothers.

    3. duty of gratitude
    - appreciate and recognize

    Boss Harry observes one of his employees, Arnold's diligence. Arnold is also considered an asset of the company because of his excellent skills. Therefore he raises his salary, adding a thousand more monthly.

    Sandra's schooling is sponsored by a widow in the United States. So show gratitude, she does good in school, maintaining a spot in the Dean's list.

    4. duty of justice
    - proper distribution of social benefits and burdens

    Eleven boy scouts went to the woods for a three day camping. Their leader, John, divides their jobs equally, as the cook, dishwasher, cleaner etc.

    5. duty of beneficence
    - good for others
    - balancing the good
    - requires the provision and balancing of benefits

    A private school's population grew by 34% this year. So the management also planned to give health benefits to the employees.

    6. duty of self-improvement
    - help others better themselves
    - duty to improve and develop ourselves
    - this duty goes hand-in-hand with other duties

    Tori observes that her classmate Neil is slow in understand their lesson in math. So she approaches him and offers her help with the lesson.

    Gerald is a smoker since highschool. Then he realizes that he should take care of his health when his father dies of lung cancer. So he decides to quit smoking by undergoing all sorts of therapies.

    7. duty of non malificence
    - "do no harm"
    - prevent evil or harm

    Doctor Bonbon does not observe his duty of non malificence. He performs surgeries even under the influence of alcohol. He administers drugs without counterchecking the dose and if it is the right drug.

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The Seven Prima Facie Duties

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Human Acts and Acts of Man [Ethics]

    This is one of our topics in our subject bioethics. We even had a skit to portray the differences between human acts and acts of man.

    Human act proceeds from the deliberate free will of man. Man knows what he is doing and freely chooses to do what he likes, but he must be responsible and accountable for such act.

    There are three elements of human act:

    1. knowledge
    2. freedom
    3. voluntariness

    There are modifiers of human acts. If one of these are present, then it is considered as act of man.

    1. ignorance
    2. passion
    3. fear
    4. violence
    5. habits

    Tell whether the following is a human act or act of man.

    A. Juan, a young man who grew in the province went to the city for the first time. He crosses the street without a second thought and almost got hit by a car.

    - It is an act of man, because there is IGNORANCE. Since Juan grew up in the province, he has not idea about traffic rules.

    B. Bea is a college student. Her mother works as a vegetable vendor while her father is a waiter. Their earnings are barely enough to send their child to school. Before the finals exam, Bea's parents failed to send her money for her tuition fee. One of Bea's friends, Michelle, offered her to work as a prostitute for her to earn. Michelle told her about the work. Without hesitation, Bea signed up for the job.

    - It is a human act. There is knowledge, freedom and voluntariness. Bea was at the right age with the right mind to decide whether to work as a prostitute or not.

    C. Mrs. Aquino is a very rich businesswoman. Her only son was kidnapped and the kidnappers asked for P50 million pesos. Mrs. Aquino gave the money right away.

    - It is an act of man. There is fear present. Mrs. Aquino was afraid of losing her son so she gave the money.

    D. Martial law was declared. Michael was forced by the soldiers to tell them where the rebels were at gunpoint. Michael told them their hiding place.

    - It is an act of man. Violence is present. Michael was forced to tell an information he must have kept.

    E. Paula had been planning to kill her husband who has a mistress. It almost drove her crazy, thinking of how her husband cheated on her. When the time came, she went to see her husband and pulled the trigger, killing him.

    - It is an act of man. There is passion, Paula's desire to have revenge. She did not think about the consequences of her act, like getting jailed.

    F. Anthony wanted to join a certain fraternity. After passing the initiation rites, it was his turn to do the initiation of paddling one of the new ones, Pepe (hitting the back or legs with a huge piece of wood like baseball bat or boat paddle). He hit Pepe so hard that he had hemorrhage that lead to death.

    - It is a human act. Anthony has the knowledge that a lot of men died of hazing. He also has freedom and voluntariness to do the act.

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Human Acts and Acts of Man [Ethics]

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New online concept store

    Anna Spiro's new online concept store is an inspiration.  I love the way you can shop the vignette.  Check it out here.

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New online concept store

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Last week's round up (a day late but better than never!)

    via Deliciously Organized

    First off, isn't this a great picture? It comes from Deliciously Organized who last week shared with us her recipes (is that the right word?) for homemade body scrubs.  Here they are:


    1/2 cup of organic sea salt
    1/3 cup of organic raw sugar or 1/3 cup of organic cane sugar {tip: cane sugar is softer than the raw}
    1/2 cup of room temperature coconut oil {best when it has a liquid consistency}
    30 drops of essential oil 



    1/2 cup of organic raw sugar or 1/2 cup of organic cane sugar {tip: cane sugar is softer than the raw}
    1/3 cup of organic sea salt
    1/2 cup of coconut oil {best when it has a liquid consistency}
    30 drops of essential oil 

    Add ingredients in order listed above, topping it off with coconut oil {add more coconut oil if you like it less dry}. Then, add essential oil and stir with a butter knife.

    I definitely intend on trying at least one of these out.  I'll let you know how it goes.
    Next up is Decor is like Butter's post where she showed us how the latest Oscar de La Renta catwalk looks have inspired her ideas for the interior of her new pad (best of luck with the move Anastacia !).  I think this is really creative - great post!  see the rest of the photos here.

    And finally from my picks of last week's posts comes So Haute's feature on Amber Lewis' LA home.  I was particularly inspired by her blown up sky photos as shown in below.  Apparently, Amber snapped the photos from the car while on a drive with her hubby and then put the enlarged prints in Ikea frames.  To see the rest of Amber's home tour (well worth the visit) click here.

    Via So Haute

    Have a great week!

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Last week's round up (a day late but better than never!)

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    My new bracelet, a beautiful present from 'himself', is designed by a Kiwi, Boh Runga.  You may already have heard of her sister Bic who is a singer, as is Boh along with being a talented jewellery designer.  You can check out her range of jewellery here (there's also an online shop).  This particular bracelet is from Boh's Messenger Stories range, which is inspired by the feathers of native NZ birds.  I'm thrilled with mine.

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More yellow!

    Think bananas. Think melted butter dripping down corn on the cob. Think daffodils, baby ducklings and The Beatles' yellow submarine!  Now put on your ruby red slippers and join me in another journey down the yellow brick road.

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More yellow!

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Not so mellow

    Overuse of the colour yellow in Irish home decoration had I must admit put me off the colour somewhat. In particular, it seemed like every kitchen you went into was painted a 'sunny' yellow. In the many new homes that were built during the boom, yellow also seemed to have become the developers' alternative to cream. I began to think of it as insipid and predictable. A little bit of distance (well actually a lot of distance - NZ is very far away!) has opened me up to giving yellow another chance. Then I saw the first pic below and a newfound love for yellow began to blossom. Yellow - it doesn't have to be mellow!

    Spot the Orla Kiely cushions and mug in the above pic.  I'm also loving that retro phone.
    Am I cheating a little here?  These walls are verging on mustard.  Love the combination with the pale grey.

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Not so mellow

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These things I've seen... (Introducing my new "Last Week's Round Up" weekly post)

    How was your weekend?  Mine was, I must admit, a little lazy... though I did plant some strawberry plants, make beetroot risotto with fresh beetroot from the garden and go to see "Beginners" at the NZ Film Festival so not a complete write off!

    Anyway, I've had it on my mind to start a new weekly post.  Each weekend, I thought I'd share my pick of the best posts for the previous week from blogs I follow.  Here's my first go at this.

    First up is decorislikebutter's post featuring Mario Testino's very glamorous shots of SJP and family at home.  Here are my favourites:

    I just love the retro vibe of these photos and that spotty evening gown is amazing.

    Chantal at Beau Lifestyle shared with us this cute idea of framing wedding cake butterfly decorations as art (this idea originally came from a blog called kiki's list).  This is one I might just have to try myself.

    Centsational Girl featured yet another inspirational furniture revamp project.  This time it was a little faux bamboo chest of drawers that she repainted in a peacock blue colour.  Isn't it great?

    I love how she provides step by step instructions and makes recommendations on the best materials and products to use.

    Finally, luxeandlillies did a couple of posts this week featuring pictures from the latest Lonny including this mock croc papered bathroom which had also caught my eye.

    Here are some other images from the latest Lonny that I bookmarked:

    That's it for now.  Looking forward to some more wonderful inspiration next week!

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These things I've seen... (Introducing my new "Last Week's Round Up" weekly post)

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Blooming lovely

    I'm feeling a bit under the weather (speaking of which, I thought our house was going to get blown away last night!) so today, just a few snaps of the pretty blooms currently on my bedside table.

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Blooming lovely

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I've done it - My Gallery Wall

    What was holding me back?  Turns out I had all the pictures I needed to get me started on my very own gallery wall in our hallway.

    The plan is to add to it bit by bit with some more framed photos in a combination of dark wood and white coloured frames.

    Amazing what some courage, a hammer and some nails will do!! : )

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I've done it - My Gallery Wall

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stefan salvatore [paul wesley]

    first seen him in "fallen".

    paul wesley

    stefan salvatore in "the vampire diaries".

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stefan salvatore [paul wesley]

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